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public class RTFEditorKit
extends StyledEditorKit
This is the default implementation of rtf editing functionality.

Constructor Index

 o RTFEditorKit()
Constructs an RTFEditorKit.

Method Index

 o clone()
Create a copy of the editor kit.
 o getContentType()
Get the MIME type of the data that this kit represents support for.
 o read(InputStream, Document, int)
Insert content from the given stream which is expected to be in a format appropriate for this kind of content handler.
 o read(Reader, Document, int)
Insert content from the given stream, which will be treated as plain text.
 o write(OutputStream, Document, int, int)
Write content from a document to the given stream in a format appropriate for this kind of content handler.
 o write(Writer, Document, int, int)
Write content from a document to the given stream as plain text.


 o RTFEditorKit
 public RTFEditorKit()
Constructs an RTFEditorKit.


 o clone
 public Object clone()
Create a copy of the editor kit. This allows an implementation to serve as a prototype for others, so that they can be quickly created.

the copy
clone in class StyledEditorKit
 o getContentType
 public String getContentType()
Get the MIME type of the data that this kit represents support for. This kit supports the type text/rtf.

the type
getContentType in class DefaultEditorKit
 o read
 public void read(InputStream in,
                  Document doc,
                  int pos) throws IOException, BadLocationException
Insert content from the given stream which is expected to be in a format appropriate for this kind of content handler.

in - The stream to read from
doc - The destination for the insertion.
pos - The location in the document to place the content.
Throws: IOException
on any I/O error
Throws: BadLocationException
if pos represents an invalid location within the document.
read in class DefaultEditorKit
 o write
 public void write(OutputStream out,
                   Document doc,
                   int pos,
                   int len) throws IOException, BadLocationException
Write content from a document to the given stream in a format appropriate for this kind of content handler.

out - The stream to write to
doc - The source for the write.
pos - The location in the document to fetch the content.
len - The amount to write out.
Throws: IOException
on any I/O error
Throws: BadLocationException
if pos represents an invalid location within the document.
write in class DefaultEditorKit
 o read
 public void read(Reader in,
                  Document doc,
                  int pos) throws IOException, BadLocationException
Insert content from the given stream, which will be treated as plain text.

in - The stream to read from
doc - The destination for the insertion.
pos - The location in the document to place the content.
Throws: IOException
on any I/O error
Throws: BadLocationException
if pos represents an invalid location within the document.
read in class DefaultEditorKit
 o write
 public void write(Writer out,
                   Document doc,
                   int pos,
                   int len) throws IOException, BadLocationException
Write content from a document to the given stream as plain text.

out - The stream to write to
doc - The source for the write.
pos - The location in the document to fetch the content.
len - The amount to write out.
Throws: IOException
on any I/O error
Throws: BadLocationException
if pos represents an invalid location within the document.
write in class DefaultEditorKit

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